Creative Ways To Upcycle Oil Candle Jars

Oil candles come in glass jars that are just too beautiful to throw out. While it may seem like these containers are too specific to reuse, there are many fun ways to recycle them and make something new! If you’re looking for some cute craft ideas, check out how to upcycle oil candle jars creatively.

DIY Air Freshener

Make your home smell amazing with DIY air fresheners! Oil candle jars make incredible receptacles for this type of project. Fill your empty jar with baking soda and place a few drops of your favorite essential oils. You can also create a liquid diffuser by combining essential oils, baby oil, and rubbing alcohol into your jar. Then, use bamboo skewers to disperse the fragrances.

Tiki Torches

Another creative way to upcycle oil candle jars is by turning them into mini tiki torches. This is an excellent option if you want to repurpose your candles while still using them for their intended purpose. Fill your jar with fuel and use cotton wicks to create small torches to display in your backyard and well-ventilated parts of your home. You can even decorate the outside of your mini tiki torch with paint and other craft supplies to personalize your project even further!

Insect Repellant

Pesky bugs make enjoying the outdoors difficult, no matter what time of year. Instead of dousing yourself with sticky and smelly bug spray, why not create your own insect repellant? Using your empty oil candle container, mix a few drops of citronella essential oil with a base oil of your choice. Include an oil candlewick and watch the bugs disappear.

Painted Décor

Of course, you can’t go wrong with beautifully painted glass jars as centerpieces for your tables. Oil candle containers have smooth, transparent surfaces, making them the perfect canvas for your next art project. You can paint anything that ties into your home’s style, from DIY stained glass to a portrait of your favorite scene. If the mouth of your jar is wide enough, add beads, marbles, or another small trinket inside to make your décor even more interesting.

No matter which project you decide to try, you’ll need oil-based candles to start. Shop our inventory of candles, fuels, and wicks today, so you’ll have everything you need to get creative.