The Great Firefly Oil Candle Giveaway 2014!

Well, here we are, Spring 2014. Seems like a great time to create a giveaway and get the world talking about our stunning glass oil candles. To enter, click the "Giveaway" image below.

[caption id="attachment_541" align="alignnone" width="300"]Firefly Transcend Oil Lamp Firefly Transcend Oil Lamp[/caption]

For this giveaway, we've selected one of our top sellers, the Transcend Oil Candle. It's 2 pieces comprised of a round Bliss Petite which slips inside a glass shield that measures 6.69" high by 3.14" wide. The Bliss Petite appears to majestically float inside the holder.

[caption id="attachment_536" align="alignnone" width="300"]Firefly Transcend Oil Lamp Color with Red Dye Firefly Transcend Oil Lamp[/caption]

There are more photos here.

Here are some of the comments from the entry form...

" I love the vibe that it gives to the whole room just by lighting a few of these. It's unique and different from a candle, which changes it up quite a bit in a refreshing way—recommended to friends!"

"They are beautiful!"

"This is the best way to have oil candles-all the other candles are messy & expensive. Love these!"

"I have never seen a candle as beautiful as these. I would love to have one of these."

"I haven't had a chance to try them but a good friend says they are very nice."

"I've never used one of your oil candles but I love this! Tx for the giveaway :)"

"They are breathtakingly beautiful. I first heard about them via Netty's giveaways' Facebook page. What a find that was. I would love to have one. Gorgeous."

"I haven't tried them yet but they look super unique and fun! Plus, I see they are eco-friendly, which is awesome! Hopefully, I win and can try them and become a customer!"

"Stunning and unique!"

OK. Let's get the word out and make this the next big thing in design!!!

I want to thank you all who have entered and those of you who are about to.

Good Luck!