Tiki Torch Wicks - Wick Height Matters!

Tiki torch wicks should be positioned as low as possible above the wick holder.  This video was shot to illustrate the effect tiki torch wick height has on the burning quality of tiki torch fuel.

The higher the wick

1) the larger the flame.

2) the greater the amount of soot and smoke. 3) the greater the usage of tiki torch fuel.

For the test, I used a 1/2″ fiberglass tiki torch wick. I filled the fuel to about half full in each container.

From left to right…

1) A Popular, Big-Box Store Tiki Torch Fuel
2) Firefly Tiki Torch Fuel
3) Firefly Eco-Friendly Safe & Green Fuel
4) Firefly Liquid Paraffin Oil

The fiberglass wick is set pretty flush to the collar which will reduce soot, smoke, and fuel usage.

As you can see the smokiest fuel is the Popular big-box store tiki fuel. Not only will it quickly soot up your torch and surroundings but it, quite frankly, stinks.

Now, I've taken the wick and it is now about ½" above the collar. Tiki torch manufacturers suggest a wick height of less than ¾" of an inch.

The tiki torch wick height dramatically changes the burn characteristics. Much more soot and smoke are emitted. Even the high, high end of lamp oils, Paraffin oil, is producing puffs of smoke.

However, notice the Firefly Safe & Green Fuel. It doesn't matter in the least the wick height as it relates to soot and smoke.

Therefore, if your tiki torches are smoking like crazy you have options.

1) Reduce the Height of the Wick
2) Select a quality Tiki Torch fuel that best suits your needs and pocketbook.
3)  Make sure you are using high-quality fiberglass tiki torch wicks.

The most expensive, spotless, and odorless fuel is Firefly Safe & Green. This fuel simply does not smoke. It is an earth-friendly, organic choice.

Even the crème de la crème of petroleum fuel, Liquid Paraffin Oil, will smoke given a large enough wick and it's expensive relative to tiki fuel.

Please note: ALL firefly fuels are odorless when burning.

The real value winner is Firefly Tiki Torch Fuel. Our tests have shown it to burn 50% longer than the big-box tiki torch fuel.

So there you go. Enjoy your tiki torches!